Presentata nuova linea di prodotti di oli di CBD in olio di semi di canapa

Presentata nuova linea di prodotti di oli di CBD in olio di semi di canapa

Today, we are proud to introduce our new line of organic CBD oils with organic hemp oil.

Hemp seed oil is the flavorful, nutty oil that comes from the raw seeds of the hemp plant. It is a documented and widely used dietary supplement and beauty aid rich in omega 3, 6 and protein.

Hemp seed oil is great for hormone balancing, skin problems and regeneration, lowers cholesterol levels, and so much more. You can learn more about the various benefits of hemp seed oil from our blog.

Hemp seed oil has a stronger taste and aroma than the cannabis plant, so if you feel that our CBD products in olive oil have a strong aroma, then we recommend that you do not switch to cannabis oil products. hemp seeds, because they are even stronger and tastier.

The new products have a new design and new blue label packaging and are now available in concentrations of 3% (300 mg), 5% (500 mg), 10% (1,000 mg), 15% (1,500 mg) and 20% (2,000 mg). We are also changing our line of pet products from olive oil to hemp seed oil.

L'olio di canapa biologico è molto più costoso da produrre rispetto all'olio d'oliva biologico, ma presenteremo questa linea di prodotti agli stessi prezzi della linea di prodotti di olio d'oliva, quindi siete incentivati a provarli.

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